
Met One Instruments 804


Met One Instruments 804 4-Channel Handheld Particle Counter

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Met One Instruments, 804, 4-Channel Handheld Particle Counter withNIST Certificate Accurate -Affordable -Reliable
Includes: Operation Manual, AC to DC Converter Module with lEC AC Power Cord, NlST Traceable Calibration Certificate, USB Cable, Software
Small Size-Big Performance
The 804 handheld particle counter is a 4 channel portable particle counterthat counts particles 0.3 microns to 10.0 microns – giving you portability andreliability at the lowest price in the industry.
Completely Self-Contained-Selectable Particle Sizes
Don’t let the size fool you-this unit is completely self-contained with its owninternal battery and sample pump, and is programmable, allowing you tochoose your particle sizes of interest from seven sizes: 0.3, 0.5, 0.7,, 5.0 or 10.0 microns.
Fast Sampling
Unlike other counters that can take up to a minute to deliver results, the804 incorporates user selectable sampling time up to 1 minute and displayscounts in as little as 3 seconds. The unit will take single or continuoussamples.
Simple Operation
Only two front-panel buttons and scroll wheel provide a user friendly, menudriven platform that provides ease in configuration.
Battery or AC Powered
The self-contained battery pack powers the unit for 30 hours of typicalintermittent operation, and for up to 8 hours of continuous use. Theincluded AC charger /adapter operates the counter, even when the batterypack is discharged, and recharges the depleted battery in 2.5 hours.
Flexible Data Interfaces /USB Communication
Stores up to 2500 records for output, Excel formatted output via includedsingle computer software. USB interface provides quick data download andfield firmware upgrades.
Applications: Controlled Environments, Filter Testing, Indoor Air Quality, Laboratory Environments, Process Control, Trace Contamination, SourceHVAC, ApplicationsQA Programs.