
Instek PEL-3041 350W Programmable DC Electronic Load


350W Programmable Electronic Load

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Instek PEL-3041 – 350W Programmable DC Electronic Load
Independent and parallel operation
Fully programmable with normal and fast sequences
Soft start
Dynamic mode
OCP, OVP and other protection features
Remote sense
Integrated meter
Load booster
PEL-3000 Series D.C. Electronic Load

Flexible Power Combinations, High-Speed and Versatile Load Simulations

The PEL-3000 Series, a single-channel, programmable D.C. electronic load with 0.01 mA current resolution and 16A/ z s current Slew Rate, is very ideal for testing server power supply and SPS (Switching Power Supply) for commercial and industrial computers. For a heavy-duty device like cloud ecosystem running 24-hour nonstop operations, a stable and high-power power supply, ranging from 350W to 1500W, is required to maintain the normal operation of server, Hub, and the equipment of data storage and internet communications. Owing to the increasing demand of data transmission and large scale data storage of telecommunications systems, the infrastructure of internet communications is in the pace of rapid expansion. This has greatly boosted the market demand of telecommunications equipment powered by power supply of 2000W and above. The flexible power combination of PEL-3000 meets the test requirements of present high- power power supply. With respect to battery testing applications such as rechargeable battery for electrical tools, battery module and automobile battery, PEL-3000 has three stand-alone models to offer including 175W, 350W, 1050W and 1050W. By connecting Booster 2100W units with master units, the maximum load capacity of the whole system can reach 9,450W Hence, the PEL-3000 Series fulfills various power testing requirements including medium to low power or high-power power supply.

The PEL-3000 Series has seven operating modes and three operating functions. Among the seven operating modes, four of them are basic operating modes, including constant current, constant voltage, constant resistance, and constant power, and the other three are advanced operating modes including constant current + constant voltage, constant resistance + constant voltage, and constant power + constant voltage. Users must first select operating mode and then operating function based upon the test requirements. Static, Dynamic and Sequence operating functions can be applied to different testing conditions including a fixed load level, switching between two levels or switching among more than two levels. Sequence function is divided into Fast Sequence and Normal Sequence according to the test time of each step. Both Dynamic and Sequence are to assist users to simulate the genuine load change. For instance, PEL-3000 can simulate HEV current consumption to make sure that automobile battery can supply HEV with sufficient power need on the road. By so doing, manufacturers can elevate product quality and reliability.

The adjustable high speed Slew Rate of 16A/ ji s simulates rise and fall speed of different load current so as to test the adequacy of the Response time of power supply. The Soft Start function of the PEL-3000 Series can set current rise time for the moment PEL-3000 is turned on to reduce the abnormal situation of the voltage drop of power supply under test. The adjustable Under Voltage Protection (UVP), GO/NO GO voltage input monitoring function, current monitoring function and Timer Function to control load activation time can be jointly applied to the characteristic tests of battery bleeding to avoid battery damage during bleeding operation. Based upon the functionalities described above, the PEL-3000 Series can test a vast variety of power supply ranging from the fundamental static sink current to complex dynamic load simulations so as to enhance product quality and reliability.

The PEL-3000 Series is a high speed, single channel and programmable D.C. electronic load and its power, functionality, parallel combination and size are listed on the following chart:
Model PEL-3021 PEL-3041 PEL-3111 PEL-3211
Power 175W 350W 1,050W 2,100W Booster
Function Full-function Single Unit Full-function Single Unit Full-function Single Unit No Control panel, can not
be operated alone
Combination Parellel with same
model, 5 units the
maximum Parellel with same
model, 5 units the
maximum Parellel with same model,
5 units the maximum
Parellel with maximum of four PEL-3211s Parellel with PEL-3111
Size Half Rack Half Rack Full Rack Full Rack
A. Operating Function for Master and Slave in Parallel
PEL-3000 Series Connects with loads vide MIL 20-pin interface and connecting cables to designate a master to control other slave units in parallel.
One PEL-3111 and four PEL-3211s in parallel provide the maximum power of 9,450W. Parallel arrangement allows users to flexibly select and apply different power arrangement which enhances equipment utilization efficiency to save R&D cost.
B. Operating Mode

The PEL-3000 series provides four fundamental operating modes and three add-on modes of CC, CR and CP separately combining with CV. Users can set different load condition under different operating modes such as setting operating range for the load level, Current Slew Rate, input voltage and load current. The input voltage range has two levels – high and low. The load current operating range has three levels – high, medium and low current levels which possess different resolution to meet test requirements of different power product specifications
Under constant current mode, electronic load will sink the amount of current users has set. Different current settings via CC mode allow users to test the voltage changes of DC power supply which is called load regulation rate test.
Under constant resistance mode, electronic load will sink load current, which is linearly direct proportion to input voltage. This mode can be utilized in testing voltage or the activation and current limit of power supply
Under constant voltage mode, electronic load will sink sufficient current to regulate the voltage source to the set value. This mode allows users not only to test current limit function of power supply, but also to simulate battery operation in testing battery chargers.
Under constant power mode, electronic load will sink load current, which is indirect proportion to input voltage to reach preset constant power requirement. Hence, the changes of input voltage will have indirect proportion effect on current sinking so as to reach constant power control.
+CV Mode can be Selected under CC, CR or CP mode. When +CV mode function is turned on and electronic load sinks more current than the maximum current of power supply under test, electronic load will automatically switch to CV mode.
It is because that the current sunk is the maximum current of power device. Therefore, power supply will switch to CC mode and PEL-3000 will switch to CV mode to limit electronic load from sinking the total current of power supply so as to prevent power supply under test from damaging.
Electronic load will cease operation once the voltage of DUT is lower than the set voltage under +CV mode.
C. Three Operating Functions

The PEL-3000 series, according to different test conditions, step or continuous changes, test speeds, and selectable modes, has three operating functions: Static, Dynamic and Sequence, which can be separately applied on a fixed load test; between two loads; or among more than two loads. Detailed descriptions of these functions are as follows:
Function Operation Static Dynamic Sequence
Fast Normal
Operating Condition
Selection Single fixed
condition Selection between tow conditions Selection among more than
two conditions Selection from more than
two conditions
Operating Modes All Models
Two conditions using same mode
CR, CC, CP modes
Each condition must use same mode
Support CC or CR mode
Each condition using different mode
All modes
Sequence Step
Combination N/A N/A
1 Sequence
1,000 steps
10 Sequence
1,000 steps
Other Functions N/A N/A
Trigger Out function
Trigger Out function
Ramp Function
Static function provides a fixed load to test output stability of power supply. Switching load value A to B will be manually operated. Under Dynamic function, two test conditions can be switched automatically and every set of parameter includes Level, Timer and Slew Rate. Timer can be set to the fastest of 25µs to accommodate response time of different power supply and assist testing power supply output status when load is unstable in order to enhance products’ reliability and quality.
In Sequence function, waveforms of load current edited by Fast Sequence are steps and every step can reach the fastest of 25µs to provide the high slew rate for electronic loads.
Normal Sequence provides RAMP function to users, according to their requirements. to select between slope and step method under set time to sink current. By applying a complete sequence editing function, users can control electronic load without using a computer or writing a program so as to save cost and time of R&D.
D. Trigger Signal and Current Monitoring (IMON)
The front panel of PEL-3000, via BNC connectors provides two output Signals, which are Trigger Signal and IMON. Under Dynamic or Sequence function, the moment the load current setting is change BNC on the front panel will output a 4.5V and 2us pulse voltage. Users can use trigger signal to synchronize other devices inside the system.
Current monitoring signals, using a BNC connector to compare with the full scale of real load current, output 0 ~ 1V at high and low current levels and 0 ~ 0.1V at medium current level.

Therefore, users can monitor load current change without using current probe to save cost.
E. VON Voltage and VON Latch Function
Von Voltage is the threshold voltage for electronic load to activate or terminate sinking current. When Von Latch is set to off, electronic load operation will be activated if input voltage is higher than Von Voltage and electronic load operation will me terminated if input voltage is lower than Von Voltage.
When Von Latch is set to on, electronic load operation will be activated if input voltage is higher than Von Voltage and will continue operation even input voltage is lower than Von Voltage. Von Voltage function can test the transient maximum current capability provided by power supply.
F. Soft Start
Soft Start regulates the time of current rising from 0 to present value during the moment load is activated. This function is to prevent voltage from dropping due to the fast transient rising speed of load current. Sudden voltage drop will result in an unsuccessful activation of electronic load or DUT and a damaged DUT.
G. Protection Modes

The PEL-3000 Series provides many protective functions including over current protection (OCP), over voltage protection (OVP), over power protection (OPP), over temperature protection (OTP) and under voltage protection (UVP). Except for OTP, all thresholds of protective functions are adjustable. When protective function is activated, electronic load will send out warning signal and terminate operation. Other than protective functions, Limit function can also be utilized to maintain electronic load in operation at a presend value. The related settings and selections are as follows: Take UVP as an example. In battery bleeding tests, electronic load will cease operation if battery voltage is lower than the set protective threshold value in order to prevent battery from over bleeding.
Function Protection OCP OVP OPP OTP OVP
Adjustable Thresholds Fixed
Load Off N/A
Limit Function N/A N/A N/A
H. Analog Channel Control
The PEL-3000 Series provides the external analog channel control function, which allows users to connect J1 and J2 MIL 20 pin standard connectors on the rear panel to input voltage or to connect resistance to control electronic load operation. Input voltage is limited to the range of 0 ~ 10V;
Connection resistance is limited to the range of 0Ω ~ 10kΩ; and related to load level are 0~100%. For instance, when operating PEL-3021 under CC mode and 35A, external input voltage is 1V and sink current is 3.5A. Users can integrate this function into test system and utilize signals generated from the test system to control PEL-3000 Series.
I. Timer Functions
The PEL-3000 Series provides count time and cut off time functions. The display screen will show present activation time when electronic load is activated. When electronic load operation is terminated count time will stop and the total operation time will be shown on the display screen.
The activation time of cut off time can be set to the maximum length of 999h 59 min 59s. When electronic load is activated this function will start counting time. Electronic load will cease operation (load off) and show the final input voltage on the screen when preset time is reached. Timer function can provides information and application related to time. Users can obtain the total time of limiting electronic load operation to increase the agility of electronic load tests.
Panel Introduction
LCD Display
Function Keys
Operation Key
Front Panel Input Terminals
I MON, TRIG OUT Terminals
Rear Panel Inputs Terminals
Frame Controls Ports, J1, J2
RS232C Port
USB Port


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