
B&K Precision 4012A – 5 MHz Sweep Function Generator


5 MHz Sweep Function Generator

SKU: UPC: 817050401219 Category:

BK Precision 4012A – 5 MHz Sweep Function Generator
Waveforms: Sine, Square, Triangle, ±Pulse, ±Ramp
Range: 0.5 Hz to 5 MHz in 8 ranges
Resolution: 4 digits
Tuning Range: 10:1
Fine: ±5% of coarse setting
Variable Duty Cycle: 15:85:15 cont variable
The BK Precision Model 4012ASweep/Function Generator is a versatile signal source which combines several functions into one unit-waveform generation, pulse generation (through variable symmetry), and frequency sweep. Additionally, the instrument provides the added convenience of a built-in frequency counter.

This permits a more accurate determination of output frequency than is possible with a simple calibrated dial. Coarse and fine-tuning controls permit precision settability of the output frequency.

With this versatility, the unit has a vast number of applications in both analog and digital electronics in the engineering manufacturing, servicing, educational, and hobbyist fields.
Voltage-controlled generator
The heart of the function generator is a VCC (voltage-controlled generator) that produces precision sine. square. or triangle waves over the 0. 5 Hz to 5 MHz range. This encompasses sub-audible, audio. ultrasonic. and RF applications A. continuously variable dc offset allows the output to be injected directly into circuits at the correct bias level.

The sweep generator offers linear or log sweep with a variable-sweep rate and adjustable sweep time.

Variable symmetry of the output waveform converts the instrument to a pulse generator capable of generating rectangular waves or pulses. ramp or sawtooth waves, and slewed sine waves.

In addition to the above features, an external voltage may be used to control operating frequency. This is useful in situations where an externally controlled frequency is desirable.