
Magphan® RT 820

An integrated MR QA system for MR guided surgery and radiotherapy
MRI manufacturers have made great strides in reducing MR system distortion. Maintaining acceptable levels of distortion relies on properly controlling a long chain of conditions. It is critical to have a robust system of quality control for key imaging performance characteristics in order to detect significant deviations before they affect clinical operations.


Phantom Design
The Magphan® RT meets the specific QA needs for MR imagers used for MR guided surgery and radiotherapy planning and guidance where measurement of large fields of view are required for torso sizes encountered in clinical practice.
Magphan® RT 820
The Magphan® RT 820 has a two-piece configuration (top and bottom) that measures geometric distortion and uniformity over 35 x 27 x 21cm. The phantom may be upgraded to the Magphan® RT 1230 model with the purchase of a center module (TMR008) to provide an extended FOV.


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